There was a critical pressure, when the condenser pressure was lower than the critical pressure, ejector showed constant performance characteristic. 当冷凝压力低于临界压力时,喷射器的性能表现出恒能力特性。
Test and regression model on critical moisture content of carrot and drying rate during the stage of constant rate by vacuum microwave drying 真空微波干燥胡萝卜的恒速干燥速度及临界含水量的实验和回归模型
Then this set was used to optimize the size of the step struts to get the highest critical load under a constant volume. 然后利用它在压杆体积保持为常量,并具有最高临界载荷的条件下对截面尺寸进行优化。
A willingness to learn, an ability to be critical and accept criticism, and a constant striving to achieve better solutions. 强烈的学习愿望,能够面对批评并接受批评的素质加上坚持不懈努力才能找出更好的解决方案。
Calculating results suggest that the critical Weber number for rebounding is not a constant, but varies with the radius of droplets. 该模型指出,判别液滴能否反弹的临界韦伯数不是一个常数,而是随滴径发生变化。
In such wells, the buckling critical load tends to be a constant with the increase of tubing length. 在水平井眼中,随着连续油管长度的增加,其临界失稳载荷趋于一个常数。
Critical slope gradient or slope length is not a constant value, which varies in some ranges and depends on the factors of rainfall, slope type. 临界坡度、临界坡长都不是一个确定的值,但在一定范围内变化,变化范围由降雨、坡面地形等因素决定。
Breaking Test of Critical Arcing Time of the SF_6 Circuit Breaker with Constant Contact Travel SF6断路器定开距灭弧室临界燃弧时间的开断试验与分析
Furthermore, we investigate the time series of the forced system, and find that when the strength of the forcing is beyond a critical constant, the states of the system present the periodic dynamics with a small amplitude or rest alternately. 进一步对受迫系统时间序列的研究表明,当定常强迫强度超过一个临界值时,系统的状态不断在小振幅周期运动与静止之间交替出现。
Constant power factor PR-VR curve and critical constant power PR. 恒功率因数负荷PR-VR曲线和临界恒功率负荷PR。
The results demonstrated that in the range from room temperature to 90 ℃, there was a critical temperature, below which a three time constant impedance spectrum was observed and above which a two time constant spectrum was shown. 结果表明:在低于90℃的范围内,存在一个谱图转变临界温度,临界温度之下为三个时间常数型谱图,临界温度之上为两个时间常数型谱图。
We show that there is a critical value for the damping constant, above which the minimal switching field is the same as that of the SW-limit, for a given magnetic anisotropy. 文中还指出了对于一个给定的各向异性的磁体,阻尼系数存在一个临界值,超过它时,最小翻转磁场与SW极限是相同的.这个方向窗口的宽度与阻尼系数和磁内能有关。
When the voltage of signal is less than critical voltage value, each electric parameter keeps constant, while capacitance and resistance decrease and loss tangent increases sharply with increase of voltage when the voltage is bigger than the critical voltage value. 当信号电压小于电压临界值时,果品的各项电参数值基本保持不变,但当信号电压大于该临界值时,随着电压的增大,果品的电容和电阻值减小,损耗角正切急剧增大。
Solution of critical load of continuous strut with constant section 等截面连续受压直杆临界荷载的求解
For the Calculation of retrograde condensation in the critical region and constant vaporization fraction, the results are also satisfactory. 对临界区附近的反气化、反冷凝现象,气-液两相共存的最大温度、最大压力和等气化率线进行了考核计算,也得到了较满意的结果。
If the voltage is less than the critical value, the capacitance, resistance and loss angle tangent keep constant; if it is bigger than the values, with the increase of voltage, the values of capacitance and resistance decrease rapidly and loss angle tangent increases sharply. 若信号电压小于临界值,苹果的电容、电阻以及损耗角正切值保持不变,若电压大于该值,随着电压的增大,电容和电阻值迅速下降,损耗角正切值急剧增大;
Spectrum and critical coupling constant of massless thirring model 无质量Thirring模型的能谱和临界耦合常数
During the process of fibre pick up, the new product ratio electromagnet mechanically restraining device ( REMRD) adjusts and controls the reel tension, so plays a critical role in keeping the fibre roving tension constant. 在纤维开卷过程中,研制出的比例电磁铁-机械制动装置调节和控制开卷张力,为实现纤维粗纱张力恒定起到关键作用。
The PCR temperature control system demands the critical constant temperature in time and integration, so PCR temperature control system must be one chip and supervised at real time. 聚合酶链反应在温度控制系统(PCR温控系统)中对反应时间和集成化设计提出了严格的要求,因此聚合酶链反应的温度控制系统必须进行实时监控,而且易于集成到一体化芯片上。
It is critical for fire rescues in high buildings to have constant water supply. 能否保证火场不间断供水,是高层建筑火灾扑救成功的关键。
In this paper, firstly, the characteristics of critical point are expressed with ABCD parameters for constant power load in π type circuit, these characteristics include critical voltage ( amplitude and angle), critical load impedance and critical power, etc. 文中针对π型电路求出了用A、B、C、D参数表示的恒功率负荷的临界点特性,如负荷临界电压(幅值和相角),负荷临界阻抗和临界功率;
A differential method for critical pressure of constant section catenary arch with two hinges 双铰等截面悬链线拱面内屈曲临界推力的差分解法
Analysis shows that the critical pressure ratio of governing stage is a constant only related to its structure parameters, which has no relation with steam parameters and steam distribution modes of units. 得出级临界压比是只与调节级结构尺寸有关的常数,与新蒸汽参数、机组配汽方式无关。
Critical value of phase transformation driving force is used as a material constant which controls martensite phase transformation, combining with expression of phase transformation driving force, equations controlling martensite phase transformation and reverse transformation are derived. 将相变驱动力的临界值作为一个材料参数,控制马氏体相变及逆相变的发生,与相变驱动力的表达式一起构成马氏体相变及逆相变的控制方程。
Higher education through their own innovation and critical function of the community is in constant innovation, so as to promote the sustainable development of society 通过高等教育自身的创新与批判功能,使社会处于不断革新之中,从而促进社会的可持续发展
Feminist criticism came into existence in the 1960s or 1970s. As a critical school having made great achievements, it is still undergoing constant evolution and improvement. 女性主义批评兴起于20世纪60、70年代,是一个曾经取得了很大成就并不断发展与完善着的批评学派。
Students should form the habit of questioning, active thinking, analyzing and evaluating in their reading practice, and learn to improve their critical reading skills with constant training. 学生应养成大胆质疑,主动思考、分析、评价的习惯,有意识地加强批判性阅读能力的训练。
Before the critical accelerating water concentration, rate constant increases linearly with water content. 在极限加速水浓度以前,增加体系的水浓度将使反应速率随之线性增加。
We find a first-order phase transition of cooperators fraction in two-lane system, in which defectors fraction decays exponentially when system density is less than the critical density, otherwise it remains constant after a period of evolution. 发现了合作频率在双道情形会发生一阶相变:系统密度小于临界密度时,非合作频率随时间呈指数衰减,而大于临界密度时,演化一段时间后非合作频率则保持为一常数。
These properties include vapor-liquid and critical properties, constant pressure heat capacity, thermal expansivity and isothermal compressibility, transport properties as viscosity, self-diffusion coefficient and thermal conductivity, and liquid density and viscosity of binary mixture. 这些热力学性质包括气液相平衡及临界性质,恒压热容,热涨系数,压缩系数,传递性质如剪切粘度、扩散系数、热传导系数等,以及二元混合物的密度和粘度。